Hello Mobile World !
External Pages
Navigation Bars
Go to the page : navigation bars
Positioned Toolbars
Go to the page : positioned toolbars
Content of the toolbars page
default setting
data-position="fixed" in the data-role="header" and data-role="footer" section ( this page )
toolbars ( header and footer ) disappear when scrolling.
but reappear when scrolling stops, tapping the screen will show/hide the bars
data-position="fixed" in the data-role="header" and data-role="footer" section and data-fullscreen="true" in the data-role="page" defenition
same as fixed but the content of the page takes up the entire screen, toolbars are sitting over the content.
Page must be long enough
Page must be long enough
Page must be long enough
Page must be long enough
Page must be long enough
Page must be long enough