Webdevelopment - Webdesign
Hello, welcome to my brand new site!
This site is designed, coded and updated by me, Technoman. There are a few things I want to accomplish with this site. First of all it serves as a place where I can experiment and do some testing with the things I have already learned. It is also a personal resource for items I run into, surfing the web and reading books. And it is a way of storing some bookmarks so I can always refer to them. Doing so I hope this site can help you as well.
- ____Flickr photostream____
My Skills
Web development
- HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
- Accessibility, usability and development with webstandards. UX-design
- PHP & mySQL & phpMyAdmin.
- Actionscript 3.0 and flash CS5 / Flex 3.0.
- Sublime Text, Atom, Coda, Sketch, Pixelmator
- MS Office XP and others... ( Adobe Illustrator en Photoshop. )
- Visual Basic
- Relational database design : mySQL, Microsoft Access.
- Database normalization.
- Webservers Apache / IIS.
- Good knowledge PC-hardware.
- Reading electronic and electrical circuits.
- Electronic circuit design.
- Networking and internet security.